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The weather when writing this post is again wet. It snowed overnight, turning into sleet and rain during the early morning hours. No driving today. The little rabbit has hunkered down under the briars, leaving occasionally and coming back to the same spot. I put out a little handful of timothy hay yesterday evening, which was eagerly devoured. I’m sure it helps to withstand the cold and damp to have your tummy full.

I’m posting two pictures today. One was started a few years ago and never completed. I spent some time this morning to finish the coffee pot and tweak the flower bouquet.

The second is my little lady and her dachshund friend. I made a pen sketch at work one day, and this is the result. I love my little lady. She should have a name and her dachshund, too. Any ideas?

Updated: Jan 2

Welcome to a new year! I woke up early, switched on the Christmas tree and enjoyed its lights shining in the dark. It rained hard during the night, overflowing my clogged gutters and clanking harshly against the metal downspout. Looking outside by the light of day, two wild rabbits were sitting in their respective spots under the bushes, branches lined with tiny pearls of water. I made a drawing of one rabbit in Procreate.

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